"My name is Indah Dwi Puspitasari but most people call me Pipit. An Indonesian who was born in Semarang then spent her childhood in not-so-little-city-anymore in Middle Java, Purwokerto, and then lived in Bandung, Indonesia. Perhaps next year I will be in another city or even another country. Who knows?"

--I forgot when exactly I wrote that (maybe 2017?). But what I am sure about is, since March 2018 I lived in Germany. About ten months I was living in the countryside in northern Germany called Brunsbüttel and in February 2019 I moved to a little city near Hamburg for about one and half years then July 2020 I finally live in Hamburg, a city I always want to live in--.

Oh yes, I am always jumping from one place to another :)

The Black Book is a personal blog that was built in 2011 inspired by a black box airplane, that used to record everything that happened on the plane. I want to make that kind of recording but of course in another form which is in writing, but me, as the writer, was too insecure to do some writing. About 5 years I abandoned this blog. But in September 2017 I decided to try to write again and rebuild this 10 year-old-blog. I will write and post all things I know and I do not know while hoping you'll enjoy reading it as much as I wrote it. 

