A Witness Not A Survivor

November 09, 2020

I had complained if I got a room where there were trees right in front of my windows. I would love to see what happens outside my quarters, but trees are blocking my view. I can not see what I want to see.

But as the season changes, I am witnessing how the trees also change. It blooms, it grows, the leaves fall until only the twigs are left. It seems like those trees are attempting so hard to stay alive, to survive. But I don’t see it as a survival mode. I see it as being a witness to life itself. They are witnessing the heat, the cold, and the process when the wind transports pollen from one tree to another, and then they do their job to continue the cycle, to produce another living thing. In the end, they are witnessing a part of them are useful and even valuable for another living thing.

They become a living witness to life.

It is not a secret anymore that our life cycle is just like seasons. It is spring when there are births. It is summer when we start to try to understand everything by trying so many things. Make mistakes, get lost, fail, and try it again. It is autumn when we slowly understand what it is all about. It is the time when we know that we can not have everything in this world. Times, when we learn to let go of something or even someone that wasn’t meant to be a part of our life anymore because it is too toxic and could destroy ourselves if we decide to keep it. It is the time for maturity. Then comes the winter, the time when we had done doing everything we know. People call it the time of death. But I call it the time of restarting from the beginning. The time to prepare ourselves for something bigger. Because what comes after death is a whole new life. It is eternal life.

Like a tree, we become a living witness to the life we have lived. We are not a survivor; we are a witness. Witness to a life where things are working the way they should. We are witnessing everything we have experienced and seeing a part of us is valuable to our neighbors.
Witness the greatest power in this world. Witnesses show what they have experienced. They tell what they saw, what they heard, what they felt. They tell the truth. They accept everything the way it is. While inside the survival, there is a defense, a rejection of something they don’t want to see, an objection to something they don’t understand.

But life is not about seeing what we want to see. It is to see something the way it is. To see and experience the truth.

Life is not about surviving but becoming a witness.

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